Welcome to Nebulous Investments!

This website is where I will be sharing my personal journey and experiences from day trading, entrepreneurship, investing, and more. I will also be sharing my future projects and free resources. If you have any suggestions on what you want me to share here, please let me know!

Day Trading

I only trade the currency market (Forex) as of right now. Here, I will share my journey from when I first started trading back in 2020. My goal is to become a funded trader with multiple proprietary firms that are out there. I will share all the platforms and services that I utilize as well as the prop firms that I am planning on going with. Click below to follow my journey!

black android smartphone on macbook pro
black android smartphone on macbook pro


I am excited to share my investment goals and portfolios with you. My overall goal is to achieve long-term financial stability and independence. By sharing my experiences and strategies, I hope to inspire others to take control of their own financial futures.

green plant on brown round coins
green plant on brown round coins


This page is dedicated to sharing my upcoming projects relating website updates, business ventures, start-ups, and more. Click below to stay tuned!

person catching light bulb
person catching light bulb

Free Resources

In this section, I will be providing you with free resources to include educational materials, discount codes, and more. My aim is offer you high-quality, informative and practical resources that may help you if you're on the same path. I will maintain transparency by letting everyone know if am partnered with any resource that I provide here on this website. So, stay tuned and keep checking back for regular updates on new resources.

brown box beside bottle on brown wooden table
brown box beside bottle on brown wooden table